“Congratulations to all our students 100 % passed all with Distinction and Merits” in the Trinity College Examinations. Again this year June 2016 !
Song in Irish
Across the universe
Chasing pirates
Chasing pirates 2
Deliah simple past
Do they know it’s Christmas
If you were a sailboat 2
If you were a sailboat cloze
If you were a sailboat
Littlest things. Glottal stop
Love profusion
Love profusion cloze 1
Morning sun. Long vowels
Plosive story
Plosive story 1
Pure and simple
Run baby run past and present
Run baby run past and present 1
She cloze 1
So called friend JCloze
That day match
That day
That day Jmatch 1
The logical song for Syllabic consonants
The story Jmatch7
Think of me
Viva la vida Jmatch
Vowels splitter
Wish you were here Jcloze1
Wish you were here Jmatch1
Wish you were here glide and liquid consonants
Wish were here Jcloze